May 24, 2011

The Return Of The Daylily

Happy Returns daylily - this photo was taken yesterday at dusk, so it's  a little blurry. This is always the first daylily in my garden to bloom. It is a rebloomer, usually blooms most of the summer. It's flowers are around 3 1/8 inches and reaches a height of about 18 inches. This goes in the front of my borders. The color in the picture isn't a true color - the flower is more lemony yellow. (See other photos below for a truer color) I prefer Happy Returns over Stella de Oro.

I planted some of my tomato plants in between the Knockout roses. Next year I won't be able to do this because, hopefully, the roses will be bigger and fill in the gaps for my wall of roses. Nastursiums are growing in front of these.

Pink Knockout rose

Another shot of tomatoes with roses

A shot from the other end of the wall of roses. The road is on the outside of the chain link fence - which I am attempting to eventually block out.

More tomatoes 
Another shot of Happy Returns daylily 
by the Peach Schnapps Espadrille Verbena
Mystic Spires salvia in foreground and the small red color is the Shakespeare David Austin rose and a yellow lily 

Another shot of Mystic Spires blue salvia

Another shot of Happy Returns daylily with a red lily in the foreground.
This is Red Hot Poker (Kniphofia uvaria) coming up through the daylily leaves. I brought this from my previous house last fall. It was divided and replanted, so this one is considered a "baby". It will eventually have large tall flower spikes of a bright orange red that are really striking from a distance.

This is an old photo of Red Hot Poker from my previous house. 

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