It is a cold morning, having a nice first cup of coffee and thinking of my future garden design for spring. We've just moved into our newly acquired Geodesic dome house that sits on a country 1/2 acre. The property has very little landscaping but does have 3 large beautiful trees in front. One Maple and two Sweet Gum. I will be able to plan for a nice shade garden. The back gets mostly sun with some shade. All the other places I've lived didn't afford much opportunity for shade plants. I've been gardening since 1997 and have always had small spaces. So this one will be a challenge, but exciting. I wanted a nice wrought iron fence to go around the front of the property but cost was a big factor so we decided on a living fence with an antique gate. Since we moved here so late in the season I've only planted one side so far, a row of Elaeagnus shrubs. I also planted 2 white Natchez Crepe Myrtles in front of the fence and added a cornerstone (so to speak) of a double pink Knockout rose. I will try to post before and after photos of the fence as it progresses.
Row of Elaeagnus |
Sweetgum trees |
Elaeagnus |
Crepe Myrtles and Elaeagnus |
This is how large one Knockout Rose can get.
It is from my previous home. |