April 08, 2011

Old German Heirloom Tomato and what is blooming today

Shade garden. This will look better once everything is established and blends together.
I planted more seeds today - nasturtiums (Dwarf Jewel, Cherry Rose Jewel)
 which the more you pick the more you get, zinnia (Cactus-Flowered Mix),
 sweet alyssum, purple salvia, red hot poker in full sun. Mixed colors
 Columbine and Lupine in the shade garden. We are getting an
 area ready where we will plant the okra. I also forgot to say I
 also have "Old German" Heirloom tomatoes - a Mennonite
 heirloom from Virginia that turns a golden yellow with
 reddish streaks and are great for slicing.

I moved the junipers again. I planted them in pots and the
 wind has
 been so strong it kept knocking them 
to the ground, so I tied them 
to a fence and a crepe myrtle tree. (the one I cut 
down - it is coming back)

Row of Double Red knockout roses with wild yellow iris. 

Another shot of juniper with wild yellow iris. 
These will be moved in the fall and replaced with the ones
 I brought from my old house.  A couple of them
 are in photos below.

Row of Double Pink Knockout roses.

Blue and white iris. 

Footloose iris


  1. Your place is looking awesome, you have done a LOT since I was there! Keep up the good work :-)

  2. Thanks for saying so. It is alot of hard work, but I enjoy it. I really like the peach verbena too, but I will be giving it to Lindsay.

  3. I love the scene with the yellow bench. looks like a nice spot to sit and reflect. Good luck getting rid of the crape myrtle. We removed two and it is coming back from the root. I will say though, that it happened once before and I dug up the plant and moved it to a more suitable location. It has formed a large thick bush which is very attractive.

  4. Thanks for your comment of my bench photo. I guess I'll just have to keep cutting the crape myrtle down. It appears to be a very old one and quite large at the bottom. But my husband did get a new chain saw - perhaps it can have a go at.
